With over 300 Teaching Units available from Prestwick House, it's easy to teach all of your favorite titles in your classroom!
Prestwick House Teaching Units are the ultimate tool to get students thinking critically about literature. Each unit contains a title-specific list of objectives to ensure that by the end of the unit, students have gone beyond basic comprehension to master the book's critical elements.
It's not always easy to make sure students retain vocabulary after the test, and high school student Andrew Sutherland was fed up with the same old ineffective methods of memorization. That's why in 2005, at age fifteen, Sutherland began Quizlet.com, an online resource that includes fun, interesting, and effective ways to help students like him retain vocabulary.
This website allows students or teachers to type in vocabulary words and definitions, which are then available in a variety of applications. Students are able to “Familiarize” with a simple flashcard application; “Learn” by typing in the correct word when the definition is shown; “Test,” or fill in the answers on a typical vocabulary test; and play fun games called “Scatter” and “Space Race” in order to help them learn vocabulary in a new, creative way.
FREE! Ready-To-Use Online Tests, Flashcards, and Games at Quizlet.com
If you are using Vocabulary Power Plus for the New SAT books in your classroom, Quizlet applications make a great in-class activity, homework assignment, extra credit assignment, or Smartboard skill builder drill.
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Social networking sites like Facebok, MySapce, and Twitter are exploding onto the scene, and many teachers have alread discovered the usefulness of these web-based tools. Prestwick House wants to help you make the most of these social networking sites by bringing you the latest news on our newest products, free, ready-to-use lessons, and special discounts, tips, tricks, and techniques for your classroom.
How to Add Us on Facebook If you don't have one, create a Facebook account here. Once you've logged in using your username and password, follow this link to the Prestwick House Facebook Page and click the "Become a Fan" button at the top right.
How to Add Us on NCTE Ning If you don't have one, create an NCTE 2008 Ning account here. Once you've logged in using your username and password, follow this link to the Prestwick House Ning Pageand click the "Add as Friend" button below our logo at the top left.
Each month, Prestwick House shares one of our customer’s favorite lessons for free. Every lesson is ready-to-use right from one of our most popular books for our newsletter subscribers. We’re committed to providing teachers with the highest-quality teaching materials that are both ready-to-use and educationally sound.
Please feel free to share lessons with all your colleagues. We hope that they find these classroom-proven lessons to be as useful as you do. You can find a complete list of free lessons that will be updated each month in the article section of our website or subscribe to our monthly Footnotes Newsletter and receive more free lessons, special discounts, and product updates right in your inbox!