Kirk G. Ramussen of The Rocky Mountain Review writes, “If you are just starting your career, or have been assigned to teach Shakespeare for the first time and are suffering your own form of 'ShakesFear,' Cohen’s Handbook will provide cheerful assistance in your time of trial. Cohen is a wise and logical man whose book will become your friend immediately… Cohen’s book will become your desktop (not bookshelf) “go-to,” no matter how many years you have taught Shakespeare.”
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Julian Lopez-Morillas of writes, “…Cohen’s approach is refreshing…. His techniques stress the vitality of Shakespeare in performance, emphasizing the openness of the works to alternative interpretations…. The reader is left with the feeling that Cohen's students have been unusually fortunate to study Shakespeare with a teacher whose unconventional approach, born in a sincere love of the plays, seeks to keep them accessible, relevant and inclusive.”
We’re proud to have worked with Dr. Cohen on this book, and if you’re teaching Shakespeare, you owe it to your students to check it out.
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