The founder of Kids Time, retired physician Murray Moliken, takes donated wall clocks, old watches, and stickers to local elementary schools, Boys and Girls Clubs, and Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops. Here, kids are able to help create fun, interesting clocks for donation to less fortunate, hospital-bound children.
Over 3,500 clocks have already been given to ill children, who light up and smile broadly when they realize that the gift came directly from youngsters their own age. Clocks have been distributed to children's hospitals from Florida to California.
Unfortunately, in recent years wrist watches have become more difficult to come by. Over 40,000 watches have been used so far in the process of creating these clocks, and we need your help to keep the project going!
Over 3,500 clocks have already been given to ill children, who light up and smile broadly when they realize that the gift came directly from youngsters their own age. Clocks have been distributed to children's hospitals from Florida to California.
Unfortunately, in recent years wrist watches have become more difficult to come by. Over 40,000 watches have been used so far in the process of creating these clocks, and we need your help to keep the project going!
Almost everyone has broken, old, unwanted, cheap, discarded, unused watches in a drawer somewhere that they’ll never use.

Simply send them to the address listed below to help further a good cause.
Edit: 10/15/15 - Unfortunately Kid's Time is no longer accepting donations at this time.
thanks annie - i just linked to you blogpost from the terry campus facebook page.
why is when I click on the 'Kids Time' word on the blog...the website doesn't come up? Are they legit??
Why doesn't the website "kids time" work? I click on it and nothing comes up. Are they legit??
Just wondering if they are still accepting watches at this address. Feel free to email me I have a few I wouldn't mind giving away.
Are you still accepting used watches for Kids Time?
Thank you for any additional information.
Hello there all,
Yes, we are still accepting watch donations at the address given in the blog post. Feel free to mail them in when you have a moment!
I'm currently looking into the website issue. I'm having some trouble finding a link to Kids Time that actually works, but if I succeed I'll fix the links in the post.
Thanks, everyone!
-- Derek
The links have been updated and will now take you to the charity's home page.
Thanks for your understanding!
-- Derek
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