Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Cranky Language Lady: Wednesday Grammar Quiz for Grownups

The Cranky Language Lady: Wednesday Grammar Quiz for Grownups comes from To find out more about the Cranky Language Lady, view sample pages from her new book, peruse her blog, or visit the website.

Grammar Quiz #27: Spotting Common Errors

The passage below has five problems. Can you find them and fix them?

“How about these one’s here?” asked the clerk, her nose stud flashing fetchingly under the fluorescent lights as she pointed to a selection of socks. All of the sudden, Byron was smitten.

“Um…,” he said, mentally smacking himself in the head for his inability to form a coherent sentence.

His friend Jake came to the rescue. “He needs to think about it. Me and him will be back later.”
“Definately,” Byron managed to say, gazing at the clerk with starry eyes.

View answer.

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