Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Cranky Language Lady: Wednesday Grammar Quiz for Grownups

The Cranky Language Lady: Wednesday Grammar Quiz for Grownups comes from To find out more about the Cranky Language Lady, view sample pages from her new book, peruse her blog, or visit the website.

Grammar Quiz #20 — Picky, Picky

The story below has only three errors. One of them is a word Cranky Language Lady sees misspelled more than nearly any other. Can you find that word and the two other very subtle errors?

“Perhaps seven cats are a tad too many,” suggested Alan tentatively, scooting Fluffy over as he tried to put his arm around Natalie.

Fluffy bit him.

Alan glared.

“Come here, Fluffikens,” Natalie said, “Did mean old Alan hurt your feelings”?

Alan sighed and tried again. “Your cats are interfering with our relationship,” he said, “and I think we need to discuss this.”

“Discuss what?” she asked, smiling as Snuggles and Snowball joined Fluffy in her lap.

“Cats!” exclaimed Alan. “Cats!”

“Yes, I definately love them,” she smiled.

Alan finally started to face the fact that his relationship with Natalie was doomed.

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