Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Cranky Language Lady: Wednesday Grammar Quiz for Grownups

The Cranky Language Lady: Wednesday Grammar Quiz for Grownups comes from To find out more about the Cranky Language Lady, view sample pages from her new book, peruse her blog, or visit the website.

Grammar Quiz #9—Bridezilla Challenge

There are ten errors in the conversation below. Can you find them all? Give yourself 10 points of each correct answer.

“It’s my day,” Brianna said. “I want the best man too shave his mustache. I want the made of honor to loose 15 pounds. I want lobster served at the reception. I want daddy to pay for me and my attendants to arrive by helicopter.”

“Your being unreasonable,” said her mother.

“But it’s my day!” Brianna cried.

“Perhaps you’re confusing “bride” with “princess,” commented her father. “And perhaps you're confusing my bank account with Brad Pitts or George Clooneys.”

View corrections here.

1 comment:

Mister Teacher said...

One more mistake -- there should be a close quote after 'princess,' since it contains the spoken words of her father...